Wednesday, December 10, 2008

Shitty first draft

Everybody has to write papers whether they are in school or at work. With writing papers, everybody writes a shitty first draft of a paper, first drafts are meant to be nothing but crap. They are used to get the thoughts that you have on your brain out on paper so you can properly organize the things you want to put in the second draft. Many great writers don’t just sit down at a computer and type one copy and it is done and read to be published. Hell, I don’t think anybody can do that. When I start writing or think about writing I get side tracked and start watching TV. When I do start writing I get tired very quickly and start writing crap and take a break. When I do get up and take a break it’s like I was never tired. By the time I do get settled and start writing it at least takes me three copies before I get a paper as perfect as I think it can get. The reason most people don’t like writing is because they get discouraged if the first draft comes out bad. The best way for me to actually just sit and write is to do it under pressure with music playing. My technique may only work for me but it might for some others. So just because your first draft doesn’t come out nearly as good as you want it you shouldn’t get discouraged and just sit and revise your shitty first draft.

1 comment:

Paul G. said...

I like to play music when I write too. It usually helps drown out other noise distractions. Everyone needs to figure out what works best for them and I'm glad you realize music helps you when you write.

Now if everyone else figured this out...